Leveraging AI to solve practical problems at scale…

My Mission

I have a passion for leveraging basic, academic research to solve large-scale industrial problems. My primary goal is to be a bridge between academia and industry by making scientific information interpretable to all and helping to draw connections between scientific advancements and pressing industrial problems.

Professional Experience

  • Senior ML Scientist Netflix, 2024-Current

  • Director of AI → Rebuy Engine, 2023-2024

  • Research Scientist → Alegion, 2021-2023

  • Data Science (Year-Round Intern) → Salesforce, 2019-2021

I’m currently a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Netflix on the promotional writing team. I work with creative writing teams to amplify and scale promotional content on Netflix with the help of AI. The promotional writing team is at the forefront of Netflix’s efforts to enhance the content discovery experience.


  • Ph.D. Computer Science → Rice University, 2020-2023

  • B.Sc. Computer Science → UT Austin, 2016–2020

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University (advised by Dr. Anastasios Kyrillidis) in Houston, TX. My research interests are related to math and machine/deep learning, including non-convex optimization, theoretically-grounded algorithms for deep learning, continual learning, and practical tricks for building better systems with neural networks. Prior to Rice, I was an undergraduate student in Computer Science at UT Austin, where I worked with the Neural Networks Research Group on research in genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation.

Personal Interests

Outside of work, I remain as active as possible. I am an avid fan of mixed martial arts (MMA) and am actively training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). I enjoy exercising and try to go for walks, runs, or hikes nearly every day, preferably with my dog Theodore and my wife Sara. Some of my other random interests include brewing/roasting coffee, reading books, and cooking.